Programme and timetable

Thursday, 15 October 2015

9.15 - Welcoming Addresses

9.30-10.30 - Archduke Ferdinand and His Musical Parnassus

  • Vanja KOČEVAR (Ljubljana)
    Archduke Ferdinand of Inner Austria: From an Insignificant Prince on the Periphery of the Holy Roman Empire to Emperor and a Central Figure in Early Seventeenth-Century’s European Politics
  • Metoda KOKOLE (Ljubljana)
    Archduke Ferdinand’s Musical Parnassus in Graz


11.00-12.00 - Ferdinand’s Musical Repertoire

  • Marina TOFFETTI (Padua)
    From Milan to Graz: Milanese Composers in the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
  • Klemen GRABNAR (Ljubljana)
    Pietro Antonio Bianco’s Missa Percussit Saul mille: A Musical Souvenir in Graz of Archduke Ferdinand’s Visit to Itay

*lunchtime break*


14.30-16.00 - The Musical Establishments of the Polish, Bavarian, and Transylvanian Courts

    Music-Related Contacts Between the Courts of the Polish King and the Archdukes of Inner-Austria (1592–1619) and the Dissemination of musica moderna in Central and East-Central Europe
  • Britta KÄGLER (Munich)
    An Italianate Court Chapel? Foreign Musicians at the Ducal Court of Munich at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century
  • Peter KIRÁLY (Kaiserslautern)
    Foreign Musicians at the Transylvanian Court of Sigismund Báthory

*coffee *

 16.30-17.00 - The Habsburgs

  • Michaela ŽÁČKOVÁ ROSSI (Prague)
    “[…] questo Bassista è buona persona […]”: The End of the Imperial Musicians’ Service
  • Tomasz JEŻ (Warsaw)
    The Music Patronage of Habsburg Family in Jesuit Silesia


CONCERT at 20.00


Friday, 16 October 2015

9.00-10.30 - Composers of the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
  • Aleksandra PATALAS (Cracow)
    G. B. Cocciola’s Presence in the Parnassus and His Activity in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
  • Herbert SEIFERT (Vienna)
    Giovanni Sansoni (c. 1593 Venice?–1648 Vienna): Cornettist, maestro dei concerti and Composer in Graz, Venice and Vienna
  • Katharina ABERER (Basel)
    The Music of Bartolomeo Mutis, Conte di Cesana

*coffee *

11.00-12.30 - The Music of the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus (1615) and Related Collections

  • Joachim STEINHEUER (Heidelberg)
    Parallel Settings in the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
  • Domen MARINČIČ (Ljubljana)
    Basso Continuo Notation in the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
  • Chiara COMPARIN (Padua)
    Antonio Gualtieri’s Il secondo libro de mottetti a una e due voci (Venice, 1612) and Sacred Concertos for Few Voices and Basso Continuo on the Territory of the Veneto at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century

*lunchtime break*

15.00-16.30 - The ‘Parnassus’ Style at Large
  • Rudolf FLOTZINGER (Graz)
    A Monastic Parallel to the Parnassus Musicus Ferdinandaeus
  • Jana BARTOVA (Bratislava)
    Speer’s Arrangements of Cozzolani’s Solo Motets and the Role of Compulsory Musical Instruments in the Development of Small-Scale Sacred Concertos
  • Martin FIALA (Steyr)
    P. Sebastian Ertel and His Sacred Works (1611-1617)

*coffee *

17.00-18.00 - The Era of Travelling Music and Musicians

  • Stanislav TUKSAR (Zagreb)
    Giorgio Alberti, Thomaso Cecchini and Ivan Lukačić within Split Musical Culture of the Early Seventeenth Century
  • Vjera KATALINIĆ (Zagreb)
    Vinko Jelić (1596–after1636) and Ivan Lukačić (1575?–1648): Two Migrants Between Mediterranean and Central Europe